
Weekly Highlights (3)

(You can see Week 1 highlights here and Week 2 highlights here.) Thank you for your interest in following along with the daily themed posts on my Facebook page, Raising Math Superstars. I appreciate your desire to engage in content OFF of Facebook so I’ll be sharing a weekly summary of events here as well. […] Read more…


You will no longer receive emails from me about the early learning bundle or “Little Learners Party” but will still remain on my regular email list to hear about future real-world learning opportunities. If you hit this button by mistake, simply reply to the email I sent and ask to be added back and I’ll […] Read more…

Real world learning - round up of top posts from 2018

Real World Learning: Best posts from 2018

I started this blog a year and a half ago with the hopes of sharing real world learning activities and experiences with other families. R.E.A.L.-World Learners: Creating Relevant, Engaging, and Authentic learning experiences and instilling in children a Lifelong love of learning Based on my Masters in Teaching degree, 20 years experience tutoring Math, 6 years teaching […] Read more…

story telling with preschoolers -- use of alliteration and rhyme

On-the-go Storytime

Besides answering All the Questions, another fun activity we like to do on long car rides is make up silly stories. N and I got rolling (umm, no pun intended) on a pretty silly story the other day and he helped me recall it tonight so we could be authors and write our very own book. Read more…

interactive math journal pages for preschoolers and kindergarteners -- taking surveys and making bar graphs

Math Monday: Sticker Bar Graphs

… As I watched them play, I thought this might be a good opportunity to practice some grouping skills with the boys and work in an introduction to graphs. I grabbed some dry-erase markers and drew up simple horizontal and vertical axes on the window, with numbers going up the side and categories of objects going across. (trains, cars, planes, people) N caught on pretty quickly and had fun searching out like objects from the sticker pages, deciding which category they fit into, and stacking them so they lined up with the numbers on the vertical axis. It turned out to be a pretty successful (based on his level of interest) “math lesson” for the day ~ this always makes the ex-math-teacher mama bear happy :). … Read more…