(You can see Week 1 highlights here and Week 2 highlights here.)

Daily themed posts from Facebook page

Thank you for your interest in following along with the daily themed posts on my Facebook page, Raising Math Superstars.

I appreciate your desire to engage in content OFF of Facebook so I’ll be sharing a weekly summary of events here as well.

I would love to hear your responses to any of these questions or posts! Please feel free to leave comments here, engage with others, or reply to my emails with your answers / thoughts / responses.

Saturday Chats

💫 Help me help you 💫 (Part 3)

What areas of Math are the biggest struggle for your kids/students?

Spontaneous Sundays

What is one thing you would like to add to your Math routine this year?

(games, manipulatives, Math talks, centers, enrichment activities, more Math Facts practice, online resources, etc.)

Math Mondays

This short video preview of my latest set of Boom(TM) cards demonstrates how to use an abacus / rekenrek / number rack to help kids learn to subtract using the “take from 10” strategy.

This set includes:

✰ moveable pieces,

✰ story problems,

✰ a part-part-whole diagram, and

✰ side-by-side numbers with pictures so students can see how the strategy works both visually and with numbers.

This strategy helps students build on prior knowledge of combinations of ten and eliminates the need for borrowing.

This is a very useful strategy to help students build strong number sense and gives them a deep understanding of how subtraction works that they can extend to larger numbers.

Each card has a voice narration for the written instructions.

See a preview here.

Tuesday Tips

Test your TPT prowess — How many of these did you already know?

What would you add to this list?


10 tips for shopping on TPT - get the most benefit out of this worldwide, online educational marketplace by following these tips.

Wednesdays on the Web

It’s palindrome day again! (If you write the date as 1202021).

I wrote this Math poem last year on 02/02/2020 and wanted to repost it again in honor of Palindrome Day 💫

This is a poem about Math that you can read forwards and backwards 🙂. (Read to the end and then back again!)

“Dance Across the Page”

I don’t like Math
I’ll never say
Now it’s easy
Listen to me
Can someone please
Make it all make sense
Math can
Make me feel like
The world is a mystery. They
Tell me stories about how
With the numbers and the letters it gets all mixed up as they
Dance across the page.
I Want to close my eyes and just
Give up trying to find the answers
And I will never
Like a story problem
They make me feel
Lost and broken
The pieces aren’t
Fitting together
It’s all
This is not
The real World.
Now I understand
Life is better in my daydreams
Convince me that
Without math
I’ll never understand much
How can people can live this way?
Take me to a far off galaxy –
Golden ratio spirals don’t
Spin across the dance floor in
My wildest dreams –
This wonderful place beyond
And i can’t wait to find
A world without numbers
I don’t want to see
Math all around me

… then read it backwards line by line.

— Sandra Balisky

Note: This poem is not a true palindrome because the meaning changes when you read it backwards. But today’s date (1/20/2021) is a palindrome because it’s the same forwards and backwards! 🙂

Thursday Treasures: Posts from the Past

Are you looking for ways to replace worksheets with games to help kids develop a love for learning?

Here is a curated list of the best Math games for kids to add (pun intended) to your math centers and game collections.


Gift guide - the best Math games for kids (and adults!). Help kids develop mathematical reasoning skills and enjoy learning through play #mathgames #math #giftguide #realworldlearners

In other news …

My homeschool planner kit is featured here – alongside some other great home and homeschool products 🙂.

I would love to hear your responses to any of these questions or posts!

Please feel free to leave comments here, engage with others, or reply to my emails with your answers / thoughts / responses.

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