coding for kids

Unplugged coding activities: Map out routes, choreograph dance moves, and graph pixel letters. These printable activities and games will help your kids learn and enjoy fundamental coding skills. Read more…

Best books on coding for kids - interactive, lift-the-flap books, books with offline coding activities, biographies, and history books for a well-rounded unit study on computers and coding languages

This continues my series of posts on Coding for Kids. I’ve compiled a list of the best books we’ve found for a well-rounded unit study on computer coding. This list includes interactive, lift-the-flap books, books with offline activities, biographies, and kid-friendly books on the history of computers and coding.  Read more…

Teaching Kids to Code using Scratch Jr | A review of the website, app, book, and game that help kids enjoy learning fundamental principles of coding

Teach kids to code using Scratch Jr, a fun, intuitive coding program. This is our review of the website, app, book, and game built around the Scratch system that helps kids (ages 5-7) enjoy learning fundamental principles of coding by designing and animating both characters and settings.  Read more…