Month: January 2019

How to maintain happiness and sanity in an information-overload world: Focus on the positive with Friday Boxes (guest post by Homeschool on the Range)

Information is ubiquitous. And it’s everywhere! 😉 But that’s not always a good thing. The prevalence of social media makes it hard to tune out the negative messages that sneak in, no matter how much we wish our feed (and our lives) to be filled with cute cats and giggling babies. Yvie from Homeschool on the Range writes the following guest post about a practice they began with their family to intentionally work together to focus on the positive. I’m inspired by this idea, and by their diligence to stick with it! Read more…

Backwards planning for the not-quite-type-A homeschool mom. This homeschool/life planner will help you organize plans from the top down, then easily fill in missing pieces around spontaneous learning moments.

Backwards planning for the not-quite-type-A homeschool mom. This homeschool/life planner will help you organize plans from the top down, then easily fill in missing pieces around spontaneous learning moments. Read more…