
Sample lesson: Lesson 1, part 2

Lesson 1 Module 1

Most activities are hyperlinked here for the sample lesson. In the full course, all activities are provided in one complete file (in both a color version and a black-and-white version).

Materials needed for this lesson:

Watch this video with your students. Pause as often as needed to give them time to answer the questions.

Do the following activities (as often as needed) with your students to practice the skills taught in this video lesson.



Check your understanding of the concepts covered in Lesson 1 by taking this quiz:

This is the intro video to parents and teachers about the fourth module on Addition:

If you would like to read more about this course, you can see a full description here:

If you would like to purchase the full course, you can do so here:

Use coupon code UnderConstruction to get the full course (with automatic access to all future updates) for only $19! (The value will increase as I add lessons to the course.)

Note: You will be first be asked to register with your name and email address, and then set up a password. Your email will be your username.

After that, you will be taken through the purchase process. 

Feel free to contact me ( at any time with questions, comments, or suggestions!
