
Finding value in screen time: our favorite 15 netflix shows, dvds, and apps for young kids

In the complex world of twenty-first century parenting, Screen Time can be the subject of much debate and anxiety.

Every family has different ideas and expectations about this subject. I certainly do not have it figured out. Also, my personal philosophy is in flux regarding the advantages and pitfalls of screen-bound entertainment and education. But …

we have managed to curate a list of several kid’s shows that both I and the kids like. We’ll try out new shows on Netflix every once in a while, but we have our go-to list of shows that (fortunately!) the boys don’t mind watching on repeat. Read more…

Discovering, understanding, and creating tessellations with my preschooler

Math Monday: Tessellations

… Then I brought out the craft supplies and cut out a circle, square, and rectangle from construction paper. He helped me trace each one several times to see what the pattern would look like. I asked him what was different about the repeating circles and the repeating squares/rectangles designs. He had a lot of random thoughts on the topic, but eventually mentioned that there are empty spaces between the circles but not between the squares and rectangles. He got it! 🙂 … Read more…

Letting the day unfold

I had made no plans for the day, but it turned out the day had adventures of its own for us. One of my friends came over in the morning and she played wonderfully with the boys! They loved the attention and she helped them get a lot of wiggles out. The boys danced to their […] Read more…

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